DEL MAR–The City of Del Mar’s 2014 Sidewalk, Street, and Drainage Improvements Project will complete the original Camino Del Mar Streetscape Plan in the Beach Colony from 22nd Street to the San Dieguito River Bridge.
The work will include approximately 2,800 feet of new curb and gutter, 12,000 square feet of sidewalks, 20 pedestrian ramps, pavement rehabilitation, and planting areas in accordance with the approved Streetscape Plan. The project also includes much needed underground storm drain infrastructure on the east side of Camino del Mar at 27th Street. Groundbreaking will occur in March with completion scheduled by Memorial Day.
In order to provide information to the public and to answer questions about the project, the City will conduct a public workshop on this issue from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., February 19 at Powerhouse Community Center, 1658 Coast Boulevard in Del Mar.
Staff from the City Manager, Public Works and Planning Departments will be in attendance, along with the City’s engineering contractor.
For additional information about the issue or about the workshop, contact Henry Trang, Assistant City Engineer, at (858) 755-3294, or via e-mail at: