SAN MARCOS–Sewage contaminated signs have been posted at access points to Lake San Marcos and will remain in place until samples indicate water quality is safe for contact.
A sewage spill was identified Tuesday at 8:45 p.m. when a force-main sewer line associated with a lift station broke at 1495 Via Entrada Del Lago in San Marcos. Vallecitos Water District crews successfully contained the spill with tanker trucks at about 1:15 a.m. Wednesday morning and are working to fix the broken sewer line. Repairs are expected to be complete sometime later today. Prior to containing the spill, approximately 60,000 gallons of sewage entered Lake San Marcos. As a result, a water contact closure has been issued for Lake San Marcos and signs warning of sewage contamination have been posted at various access points to the lake.
Water quality samples are being collected at Lake San Marcos to evaluate the extent of potential sewage impacts.
Signs warning of sewage contamination will remain in place until samples confirm that water is no longer impacted.