SAN DIEGO–Mayor Kevin Faulconer will be in San Francisco on Friday to speak at the California Republican Party’s 2014 convention.

Faulconer plans to share how his message of inclusiveness and maintaining fiscal discipline during the recent mayoral campaign provides a path forward for Republicans to win in urban areas where they often have a voter registration disadvantage.

“We ran a campaign that included everyone and left no votes on the table,” Faulconer said. “We went to every community, every demographic, and every party affiliation – Republican, Democrat and independent – to spread our message of independence, reform, and economic prosperity.”

On Saturday morning, local Republican Party Chairman Tony Krvaric will be delivering a presentation entitled “The Anatomy of a Win: The Kevin Faulconer campaign” to delegates, detailing specific actions that can be replicated across California to contest elections in urban areas.

“By adopting an inviting attitude, going after every vote and focusing Party resources effectively to support our candidates, we can replicate what happened in San Diego across California,” said Krvaric.