SAN DIEGO–The California Transportation Commission has allocated $1.3 billion in transportation funding, including $541 million to implement California’s “fix it first” strategy for preserving and maintaining California’s 50,000 lane miles of highways.
“This investment will help preserve California’s existing transportation infrastructure and implement our fix-it-first approach to the highway system,” said California State Transportation Agency Secretary Brian Kelly. “While there is always pressure to expand the state highway system, expansion must remain a second priority to investing in the management, preservation and efficient operation of our existing infrastructure.”
Among the $541 million allocated, $10 million comes from the remaining Proposition 1B funds, the bond act that voters approved in 2006. Proposition 1B authorized $4.5 billion to improve performance on the state highway system and California leveraged another $4.6 billion in federal, state and local funds while recapturing cost savings during construction. What started as a program of 54 projects programmed at $9.1 billion grew to a program of 99 projects at $11.7 billion, supporting more than 190,000 jobs and providing critical improvements to the state’s transportation system.
“This Administration has made sure every dollar counts when it comes to building California’s transportation infrastructure,” said Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty, ” “We are repairing aging freeways, making highways and bridges safer, and promoting bicycling and walking – and, those projects support and create jobs.”
As a result of these investments and a focus on maintenance and rehabilitation, Caltrans announced in March that the condition of the pavement on California’s highways is at its healthiest level in more than a decade. Nevertheless, California’s highways carry nearly 35 million vehicles annually, and maintenance needs far outpace dependable funding. Caltrans uses high-tech strategies, recycling, and innovative treatments to make pavement last longer, to stretch every dollar and to preserve the environment.
As the one-time funds from the 2006 transportation bond and 2009 Recovery Act run out, the Transportation Agency is working with stakeholders to develop funding priorities and long-term funding options to address California’s infrastructure needs. These are highlighted in the California Transportation Infrastructure Priorities: Vision and Interim Recommendations Report, which offers a vision for California’s transportation future.
Here are some significant projects that will help preserve and maintain California’s existing infrastructure assets:
The allocation included nearly $9.4 million to construct a median barrier on State Route 76 from Rancho Del Oro Drive to just west of Melrose Drive in the city of Oceanside.
The improvement will help reduce the number and severity of collisions.
– State Route 76 Median Barrier in Oceanside: $9.4 million to construct a median barrier from Rancho Del Oro Drive to just west of Melrose Drive to help reduce the number and severity of collisions.
– State Route 98 Widening Project in Imperial County: $1.8 million to complete design and acquire right of way. The project will widen the highway from two to four lanes from V V Williams Avenue to Ollie Avenue in Calexico to increase capacity and relieve congestion.