SAN DIEGO–Nearly 500 kindergarten through high school students submitted their personal artwork to the County Air Pollution Control District’s 2020 Calendar contest in October and November to show the importance of clean air and how each of us can reduce pollution.
Thirteen of those works of art, one piece for the cover and one for each month, were selected by APCD judges and now illustrate the district’s official 2020 Calendar that it gives out free to the public.
Each of the students who submitted their art will receive a free calendar and all of the art has been posted on APCD’s website for everyone to enjoy — students, their families and the public.
APCD Director Bob Kard said everyone at the district continues to be thrilled by the numbers of students who take part in the contest each year.
The calendar contest has become increasingly popular, with 476 students submitting personal, original artwork for the 2020 calendar, besting the previous high of 452 students the year before.
“You know, it shows that protecting the environment and keeping our air clean means a lot to them,” Kard said.
APCD printed out roughly 1,500 calendars. People who are interested in getting a calendar can email: APCDoutreach.LUEG@sdcounty.ca.gov.
For more information about the Air Pollution Control District and its work to keep the county’s air clean, go to the APCD’s website.