United Way of San Diego County, HandsOn San Diego team up to create San Diego COVID-19 Volunteer Hub, a new website where San Diegans can volunteer to give back to the community. Photo courtesy of San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council, HandsOn San Diego and United Way of San Diego County.

SAN DIEGO–While many in our community are facing difficult challenges due to the pandemic, charitable organizations around the world are working around the clock to provide much-needed supplies, services, and support for individuals and families in need.

But nonprofits couldn’t provide these emergency services without the help of community volunteers. To meet this growing demand, United Way of San Diego County has partnered with HandsOn San Diego to launch the San Diego COVID-19 Volunteer Hub, a new website where San Diegans can find ways to help other San Diegans get through this crisis together.

“There are many ways to give back to the community, especially during times like this,” says Nancy Sasaki, president and CEO, United Way of San Diego County. “Because of all the options to volunteer, it might feel overwhelming when searching for the right nonprofit that fits your interests and skills. That’s why United Way of San Diego County partnered with HandsOn San Diego to make the process quick and easy for people to search for meaningful ways to give back. Working together and lending a helping hand to our fellow neighbors has never been more important.”

Among the many opportunities to help, the website provides the following volunteer options for individuals, groups, and companies:

  • Donate in-kind goods/relief items
  • Volunteer in-person
  • Volunteer virtually from the comfort of your own home
  • Lend your professional skills to help a local nonprofit
  • Make a  monetary donation
  • Provide the gift of life by donating blood

Just like many nonprofit organizations, HandsOn San Diego had to change the way it operated to respond to the pandemic. “Volunteering is the best thing we can do for each other during these challenging times,” says Crystal Trull, Interim Executive Director, HandsOn San Diego. “Whether you give of your time, talent, or treasure, it all helps us to be a stronger, more united community. If your heart is eager to give back, but you just don’t know how the volunteer hub will help you find just the right opportunity”

Visit sandiegovolunteerhub.org for more information.

Here are more ways to get connected:

  • If you have questions about how to volunteer or if you would like to list your nonprofit and volunteer opportunities on the site, contact Jessie Case, volunteer engagement coordinator, HandsOn San Diego at jessie@handsonsandiego.org
  • If you would like support with your CSR strategy, or identifying meaningful engagement opportunities and volunteer projects for your employees, please contact Carlee Chatman, corporate social responsibility manager, United Way of San Diego County at carlee.chatman@uwsd.org for more information.