SAN DIEGO–An otherwise healthy, 32-year-old man from North County and a 27-year-old man from South County who had underlying medical conditions are among eight new influenza deaths reported last week, the County Health and Human Services Agency said.
The North County man died on Jan. 13 from influenza A. The 27-year-old, the youngest county resident to die from the flu this season, died Jan. 9 from influenza A Pandemic H1N1.
The ages of the other six flu fatalities range from 46 to 85 years of old and five had underlying medical conditions. The new flu deaths bring this season’s total to 24. In comparison, 174 flu deaths had been reported at the same time last year.
“Healthy young people should not be dying from influenza. That’s why it’s so important to get vaccinated,” said Sayone Thihalolipavan, M.D., M.P.H., County deputy public health officer. “If you have not gotten a flu shot, do it now.”
Typically, the Pandemic H1N1 virus sickens younger people more than others because younger and middle-aged adults have not been exposed to the H1N1 virus as much as older adults, and these groups typically have the lowest vaccination rates in the nation.
The County Health and Human Services Agency publishes the weekly Influenza Watch report, which tracks key flu indicators and summarizes influenza surveillance in the region. All other indicators are at expected levels for this time of year.