SAN DIEGO–Construction is now completed on the Quechan Crossing Pedestrian Project at the Andrade Port of Entry along State Route 186, Caltrans said on Wednesday.
Pedestrians now have full access to new sidewalks and reconstructed walkways brought to Americans with Disability Act standards.
Andrade is a remote desert location that is a busy port of entry and staging area for pedestrians crossing the border into Algodones, Mexico. Algodones is a popular attraction due to its inexpensive medical care, its shopping and restaurants. The Quechan Tribe operates a large parking facility on the west side of State Route 186. Approximately 5,000 pedestrians a day use the crossing during peak season in late September through April.
Construction on the $2.5 million project began in December 2013. Other features include new lighting, shade structures, landscaping, irrigation and seating along the length of the project.
The project has improved the character and visual quality of the Andrade POE with aesthetic enhancements and design themes reflecting the regional character and historical context.