By SDCN Editor
Escondido, CA–With the end of summer and the beginning of a new school year, the Escondido Police Department calls on drivers to prioritize safety during Back to School Month.
Drivers must slow down, adhere to speed limits, and exercise extra caution when driving through school zones.
“During Back to School Month, let’s prioritize safety behind the wheel to protect our children,” Chief of Police Ed Varso said. “We urge every driver to slow down, remain alert, and take extra precautions when navigating through school zones. By doing so, we can create a safer environment for everyone and foster a community where safety is a shared responsibility.”
The Escondido Police Department offers tips to stay safe around schools:
• Slow down and follow the speed limit.
• Adhere to school policies and procedures for dropping off and picking up students.
• Stop for school buses. Watch for children rushing to catch the bus or exiting.
• Whenever possible, avoid blocking the crosswalk while waiting to make a right-hand turn.
For parents with children walking or biking to school, teach them safe walking and riding behaviors, such as looking both ways before crossing the street, using sidewalks when permissible and available, and crossing at marked crosswalks with stop signs or signals.
Drivers behind a school bus with a stop sign and flashing red lights must stop so students can safely get on and off the bus. Drivers must remain stopped while the red lights are on. Drivers in both directions must stop on any two-lane road without a median or a center turn lane.