Michael Martinez

SAN DIEGO–A hearing date for the proposed placement of a sexually violent predator will be held on March 16 at San Diego Superior Court.

On February 8, the Department of State Hospitals proposed placement of Michael Martinez in 2100 block of McCain Valley Road in Boulevard.

The state hospitals and superior court will be responsible for the placement of Martinez. However, under Welfare and Institutions Code section 6609.1, the public is permitted to comment on the proposed location before it is finalized by the court.

With the court hearing scheduled at 9 a.m. on March 16, the SAFE Task Force will be accepting public comments about the proposed placement to be included in the formal response to the court.

Public comments begin at  9 a.m. at a hearing at San Diego Superior Court, Department 2204, 1100 Union Street in San Diego.

Comments can be emailed at sdsafe@sdsheriff.org, call (858) 495-3619, or mail at SVP Release/SAFE Task Force, 9425 Chesapeake Drive, San Diego, CA 92123. Comments will be accepted through February 20.

Further information about sexually violent predators, and an explanation of the legal requirements for their designation, treatment, and release from confined facilities, can be obtained at the San Diego County District Attorney’s website