SAN DIEGO–Palomar Health is making serious strides in recognizing sustainability’s connection to wellness, fiscal responsibility and quality patient care.

This year, Palomar Health is celebrating its commitment to the environment by becoming Earth Day Leaders through Practice Greenhealth’s year-long Earth Day Leadership events. Each month, Palomar Health will join nearly 1,200 other Practice Greenhealth hospitals and businesses in participating in an environmental awareness activity in honor of a “Year of Earth Days” in 2014.

“We’re excited that Palomar Health is participating in our Earth Day Leadership events,” says Laura Wegner, RN, executive director of Practice Greenhealth. “While Earth Day activities across the country involve millions of people, we want to help our members do more each and every day—not just April 22.”

The year-long program is designed specifically to help the health care community support their sustainability programs and raise awareness in the communities they serve.

The first initiative of the year raised the awareness of recycling and its ongoing importance to a clean environment, energy reduction and preservation of natural resources, as well as cost savings and job creation. In 2013, Palomar Health recycled nearly 600 tons of materials and saved over $80,000. Recycling is one of the easiest sustainability activities for individuals and businesses to do and speaks to all that Earth Day represents.

“In addition to making recycling receptacles easier to find and use by everyone in our facilities, we have a variety of ongoing programs in the areas of energy & water conservation, waste reduction, healthier foods, smarter purchasing, alternative transportation and gardens. We also have engagement activities planned throughout 2014, including Earth Day celebrations, developing a Green Team Cookbook, Bike to Work and America Recycles Day,” says Palomar Health’s sustainability manager Barbara Hamilton.

Additional initiatives throughout a “Year of Earth Days” at Palomar Health will include education and promotions to reduce energy use, improve air quality, improve the food system and improve employee wellness.