IMPERIAL–Imperial Regional Alliance is set to sponsor the Imperial Valley International Trade Seminar, hosted by Imperial Valley Economic Development Corporation, U.S Commercial Service, and CaliBaja Binational Megaregion.
Prior to the seminar, Imperial Valley Economic Development Corporation, hosted a “USDA Listening Session,” for Kim Dolbow Vann, California State Director of United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development. The purpose of the USDA Listening Session was for the State Director to obtain feedback from the local stakeholders in regards to the needs of the community.
During the Listening Session, Director Kim Dolbow Vann, announced that Imperial Regional Alliance was the recipient of the Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program, a Revolving Loan Fund, in the amount of $400,000 as well as a grant in the amount of $100,000. The Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program, or RMAP, encourages the development, whether by startup, expansion, of small businesses in rural areas. The program will assist businesses in the Imperial County access capital in order and promote local entrepreneurship.
Imperial Regional Alliance says its accomplishment would have not been possible without the support from United States Department of Agriculture key personnel: Karen Rich, Matthew Koch, Daniel Cardona, Edgar Ortega and Carlos Andrade who represent a multitude of programs that assist communities, businesses and not for profit entities.
Imperial Regional Alliance is a not for profit, 501(c)3, organization that aims to provide a link between education, job training, and employment opportunities and promote entrepreneurship in the Imperial Valley.