SAN DIEGO–Two San Diego Unified schools will benefit from a five-year, $30 million federal Promise Neighborhoods grant under community collaboration said Wednesday at Perkins K-8 School.
Perkins and the Logan Complex are among five schools selected to receive support from the initiative sponsored by the US Department of Education. The purpose of the grant is to support the academic and social-emotional needs of students in underserved communities. The funding compliments the district’s initiatives that focus on family, education, health and community.
“San Diego Unified has worked closely with Perkins K-8 to ensure that the school and its staff can meet the unique needs of its students. The San Diego Promise Neighborhood initiative will serve as a valuable resource for our students, staff and parents at Perkins,” said Superintendent Cindy Marten. “I believe the grant funding offered under this initiative will provide support in the areas we have identified such as education, mental health, and family assistance. We are committed to working with the partners so our students are prepared to graduate as contributing members of society who are ready for college and careers.”
The grant will be coordinated by South Bay Community Services and San Diego Promise Neighborhood’s coalition of partners that include schools, local government agencies, non-profit organizations, health services and businesses with mission to help turn neighborhoods of concentrated poverty.
“Perkins is honored to participate in San Diego Promise Neighborhood initiative,” said Perkins Principal Fernando Hernandez. “The community has rallied around our school and recognizes the unique needs of our students. We will collaborate with the district and partners to enhance the lives of our students and families.”