By SDCN Editor
Sacramento, CA–Senate Minority Leader Brian Jones (R-San Diego) and Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh (R-Yucaipa) joined Senate pro-Tem McGuire to outline a bipartisan legislative package for a Safer California.
The bill package announced on Monday includes two bills authored by Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh (R-Yucaipa) that have been priorities for the California Senate Republican Caucus.
“Fentanyl-related deaths have deeply affected my district and state in recent years,” said Senator Ochoa Bogh. “As a mother, it’s heartbreaking to listen to families describe the tragic deaths of their loved ones. I appreciate the efforts being made in the Senate to join together and fight against these senseless deaths. The opioid crisis doesn’t know political boundaries, and neither should the fight we lead against it as lawmakers. I want to thank Senate pro-Tem McGuire for including me to join him on this effort.”
Senator Ochoa Bogh’s bills included in the bipartisan Safer California bill package are:
SB 1442 (Ochoa Bogh and Skinner): Will authorize the California Health and Human Services Agency to enter into partnerships – through the CalRx Initiative – to develop, produce, purchase, and distribute fentanyl tests approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration.
SB 1468 (Ochoa Bogh and Roth): Educates and encourages providers to make use of the new federal Drug Enforcement Agency rule to allow practitioners to dispense a three-day supply of narcotic medication (Narcan) to start detoxification treatment or maintenance treatment for people who use opioids.
“When there is a need at hand, as there is with the fentanyl crisis and retail theft in our state, it’s not time for politics as usual – it’s time to come together and find solutions,” said Leader Jones. “That’s what the Senate is aiming to do. I’m optimistic about the proposals here today and I look forward to continuing to work together for a Safe California. Over the next few months, Senate Republicans are eager to collaborate with our Democrat colleagues and ensure these bills are effective and meaningful.”
For years, California Senate Republicans have focused on legislation to address rising crime, increased fentanyl on city streets, and the increasing sense of lawlessness that many families are experiencing. Every year in recent history, Senate Republicans included tackling crime in their legislative package to Fix California.