Santa Monica, CA–Bill Jones, Former California Secretary of State, was selected today as the Honorary Campaign Chair for civic participation leader and Republican candidate Pete Peterson.

“Pete has really impressed me with his honesty, integrity, knowledge and qualifications to serve as California’s next Secretary of State,” said Bill Jones.  “Peterson’s ground-breaking work on improving California’s civic engagement and government transparency through the latest technology demonstrates that he is an excellent candidate for Secretary of State.  I’m proud to support him.”

“Bill Jones served in a non-partisan manner, and brought an understanding of how technology could increase civic engagement, providing an outstanding example for me to follow in how he reformed the Secretary of State’s office.” said Pete Peterson.  “I am honored to have Secretary of State Bill Jones’ confidence and support.”

It was during Secretary of State Bill Jones administration that California’s SOS started closing the Digital Divide.  Jones was the first California Secretary of State to place campaign finance information on the Internet. In addition to providing instant Internet access to campaign finance reports,  Jones launched the nation’s first website that carried live election returns on Election Day. Bill Jones served as California Secretary of State from 1995 to 2002.

As Executive Director of the Davenport Institute for Public Engagement, Pete Peterson is a nationally-recognized trainer, speaker, and advisor on topics relating to increasing civic participation in government decision-making processes and explaining how technology is changing the citizen/government relationship.