SAN DIEGO–The County is releasing additional race and ethnicity data that provides a more complete picture of how COVID-19 is impacting the region.
Starting Monday, the data will now be available on coronavirus-sd.com for tests administered, case investigators, contact tracers, as well as geographic and other breakdowns. Updates will be uploaded on Wednesdays. The County has been releasing race and ethnicity for deaths, cases and hospitalizations.
In addition to race and ethnicity, all tests administered will be released by ZIP Code.
The case investigator and contract tracing data will show the degree to which the number of employees doing the work mirror the ethnic groups that make up the local population. Currently, the County has 435 case investigators contacting San Diegans who have tested positive for COVID-19 to give them information on what to do during isolation, finding out what places they visited and who their close contacts are. Also, there are 285 County contact tracers connecting with people who were close contacts with positive cases.
“It’s important that we have the ability to connect with people,” said Wilma Wooten, M.D., M.P.H., County public health officer. “We need to make sure they know what to do so that they can recover safely.”
The County is also working with San Diego State University, South Bay Community Services, and Project Concern International which are providing promotoras and promotores –community health workers – who are calling and doing in-home visits with people who have been close contacts of positive cases but have been difficult to reach.
Local community and faith organizations are and will be conducting community outreach to minority groups, particularly Latinos, African Americans, Asians and refugees to encourage them to get tested, pick up the phone when contacted by a case investigator or contact tracer and provide other COVID-19 resources.
Furthermore, UC San Diego will be helping the County to do contact tracing among young people, especially those between the ages of 18 and 24 years of age.