By SDCN Editor
San Diego, CA–A dramatic rescue unfolded Wednesday afternoon as a Coast Guard helicopter aircrew evacuated a 29-year-old male passenger from the petroleum oil tank ship, Ingrid, approximately 160 miles southwest of San Diego.
The rescue operation began when watchstanders at Coast Guard Sector San Diego Joint Harbor Operations Center received a distress call from the Ingrid around 1:30 p.m. The call reported that a passenger was experiencing a medical emergency, prompting an urgent response.
Recognizing the severity of the situation and the need for immediate medical attention, Sector San Diego immediately launched an Air Station Jayhawk Helicopter crew with a specialized Trauma Assistance Team medic on board to retrieve and transport the patient to shore.
After the flight, the aircrew safely landed at Sector San Diego around 4:30 p.m., where the patient was transferred to awaiting Emergency Medical Services personnel. The patient was reported to be in stable condition following the evacuation.