DEL MAR–Southbound lanes on Camino Del Mar north of Carmel Valley Road and south of Del Mar Heights Road/4th Street are closed until further notice, including the bike lane. Only one northbound lane in this area is open.
The road closure is in response to the erosion of a section of the bluff in Anderson Canyon, which sloughed off. While the roadway remains intact, the impacted area is immediately adjacent to the western edge of the road pavement. Additionally, a section of underground storm drain pipe on the west-side of the Camino Del Mar roadway is also damaged. There have been no injuries to persons or property.
Crews are working to re-route the stormwater flows that normally use the impacted pipe while also working to protect the other nearby utility pipes in the immediate vicinity.
Estimates are not yet available for either the cost or required time for the necessary repair work.