SAN DIEGO–County and local health officials, business and school leaders are urging residents to prepare for the novel coronavirus if it is detected in the San Diego region.
“It’s important for everyone to educate themselves and their family and be prepared in case the new coronavirus makes its way to San Diego County,” said Chairman Greg Cox, County Board of Supervisors. “It’s also important for people not to panic as the risk for this new virus and the disease that it causes continues to be low.”
County health officials have been busy urging residents, local municipalities, schools, businesses and community and religious organizations to prepare for a potential outbreak of the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19.
Working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the California Department of Public Health, and the local medical community, the County Health and Human Services Agency has a plan in place to identify, isolate, inform and investigate a possible case of this respiratory illness.
“We are prepared and conducting enhanced surveillance for this new virus, just as we do for other communicable diseases,” said Wilma Wooten, M.D., M.P.H., County public health officer, at a news conference with local elected officials, school and business leaders. “We’re in communication with all the appropriate entities and have a response plan to deal with any potential case or outbreak.”