SAN DIEGO–Hundreds of runners are expected to attend the Helen Woodward Animal Center’s Doggie Gras 5K and Dog Parade next month.
Runners can complete the race, or register for the walk and stroll around the bay. After the 5K run, the Doggie Gras Parade kicks off with pets in customized costumes.
The event includes food, giveaways, opportunity drawings, free kid’s activities, 5k and parade awards and more.
Proceeds, and registration fees from the event go directly to Helen Woodward Animal Center.
The run will take place at 7 a.m., March 3 at the Embarcadero Marina Park North, 400 Kettner Blvd. in downtown San Diego.
Registration fees for float entry is $15. Costume only is $10. Race fees range from $18 to $40 dollars for the youth.
For more about the race and parade, visit