SAN FRANCISCO–The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Tuesday issued a ruling requiring parties in the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station proceeding to meet and confer to consider joint modifications to the CPUC’s 2014 decision adopting a Settlement Agreement.
On May 9, Assigned Commissioner Catherine Sandoval re-opened the record of the San Onofre Settlement Agreement that provided for resolution of rate recovery issues related to the premature shutdown of the plant following a steam generator tube leak on January 31, 2012.
Citing Southern California Edison’s engagement in eight unreported ex parte communications and ethics violations, for which the CPUC penalized Edison $16.7 million in shareholder funds, Commissioner Sandoval’s May Ruling directed parties to assess whether the adopted Settlement Agreement is still reasonable in light of the record, consistent with the law, and in the public interest. To address the ramifications of these violations, today’s Ruling encourages the parties to carefully consider the modifications to the Settlement Agreement proposed by ORA, TURN, and the assessments made by A4NR.
By April 28, 2017, if a number of parties representing a broad range of interests reach an agreement proposing modifications to D.14-11-040, those settling parties must file a joint petition for modification setting forth their proposed revisions to the previously adopted settlement. If such an agreement is not reached, the parties must file with the CPUC and serve a summary of their individual positions to inform next steps.
“The CPUC’s rules require a level playing field by mandating ex parte disclosures for ratesetting proceedings, such as this one. The CPUC must ensure the integrity of its processes and that its decisions serve the public interest,” Commissioner Sandoval said.
Any and all ex parte communications with any decision-maker or commissioner advisor regarding all issues in this proceeding including procedural matters continue to be prohibited.