SAN DIEGO–Following the success of a new dockside fishermen’s market, County Supervisor Greg Cox will seek new state laws that could allow for permanent outdoor fishermen’s markets and promote locally caught seafood.

“San Diego has a rich and vibrant fishing history and we need to revive our local fishing industry,” Cox said. “With these proposals, we can create more jobs and feed more families with fish caught fresh out of local waters.”

Cox will propose to the Board of Supervisors on January 6 a series of proposals that would allow for permanent open-air fishermen’s markets and promote the health advantages of ocean-to-table seafood.

The proposals result from popularity of the Tuna Harbor Dockside Market, which opened in August in downtown San Diego, near Seaport Village. Local fishermen had been trying to open the market but had been stymied by red tape. Supervisor Cox worked with the Port of San Diego and County Environmental Health officials to allow for the temporary opening of the market.

Since its August 2 grand opening, the Saturday-only market has averaged 1.1 tons of fish sold per week, creating a small boon for the local fishing industry.  The Supervisor is seeking changes in state law that could allow permanent open-air fishermen’s markets with limited food preparation.

“Our local fishing industry is just one part of San Diego’s Blue Economy and we need to do everything we can to support it,” Cox said.