Oceanside Public Library

OCEANSIDE–The Oceanside Public Library will be honored on National Library Week for their service to the community.

Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, even though physical library spaces are closed, Oceanside Public Library is continuing to make a difference in people’s lives. 

During the last few weeks, the library has safely delivered thousands of books to residents in Oceanside. Following a book delivery to a grateful resident this week, their response was: “We love Oceanside for so many reasons, but how our community takes care of each other is the biggest reason.” 

The library is providing electronic learning resources, including online storytimes, book clubs and virtual homework help. It is also offering Prescription (Rx) for Reading, an advisory service to help a reader of any age discover their next best read. Spring Reading Challenge and Spring Writing Challenge programs have started and prizes include e-gift cards provided by the Friends of the Oceanside Public Library. 

The library is also partnering with Green Oceanside during Virtual Earth Month to bring the community earth-friendly storytimes, a collection of e-book titles, and an adult book club will be discussing the book The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben on April 30.  

Electronic offerings are easily accessed through Hoopla, Libby and Flipster apps. Hoopla offers immediate and unrestricted access to e-books, audiobooks, music, movies, tv shows and graphic novels. Libby offers a wide range of e-books and audiobooks and Flipster has an amazing magazine list all for free.  

The library has designed online library card registration, so if you don’t have a card or can’t locate yours, visit their website to receive access. As part of the library’s Set Up to Succeed project, all children in Oceanside Unified School District grades K-5 will be receiving their library card in the mail in the coming week, so that they are able to access resources easily to support their learning and development during this time. All students in OUSD were enrolled in the program when they registered for the school year and their student id numbers provide them access to library resources.

The public can support the Oceanside Public Library by visiting www.oceansidepubliclibrary.org, follow them on Facebook at City of Oceanside Public Library or Instagram @oceansidepubliclibrary.