SAN DIEGO–Three additional flu deaths were reported last week while the number of influenza cases in the region continued fall, the County Health and Human Services Agency said Thursday.
The ages of the three people who died ranged from 55 to 96 years of age and all had underlying medical conditions. Through April 20, a total of 67 flu deaths have been reported this season. A total of 341 influenza fatalities had been reported at the same time last year.
A total of 171 lab-confirmed flu cases were reported last week, compared to the 243 cases the week before.
The most commonly identified flu strain causing local illnesses is now influenza A H3N2, which tends to sicken the elderly and the very young, as well as those with chronic medical conditions. Influenza A Pandemic H1N1 continues to circulate and a low number of influenza B viruses are also being reported.
“While the number of flu cases continues to drop, influenza is still making San Diegans sick,” said Wilma Wooten, M.D., M.P.H., County public health officer. “People should continue getting vaccinated and taking other preventative measures to avoid getting the flu.”
The County Health and Human Services Agency publishes the weekly Influenza Watch report, which tracks key flu indicators and summarizes influenza surveillance in the region.